Technical Analysis of 2 music videos
Sir Mix A Lot - Baby Got Back.
i chose this song as it is a similar genre to the type of music we will be using for our music video, as the song is quite unique i thought it would be interesting to analyse the video and see what thought they would put into the creation.
I think this is a good shot as the camera is gradually moving in and introduces the song, as once the camera has zoomed in it opens up the scene, this is a good example of voyeurism as the woman dancing does not know she has an audience until the camera has zoomed in
With this shot it shows that the artist is using self refrentiality, this is a good technique as it is involving the audience, this would show that the song is aimed at you and does not necessarily mean the song is telling a story.
This is a clever shot as it shows two things in one shot and shows what the artist is talking about, this is a smart thing to do as it keeps the audience involved and visually shows what the artist is mentioning.
The music video uses alot of cut to transitions, i think that this worked really well for this type of music video as it shows you everything that is going on in the scene but in individual sections so it directs you on what to focus on .
The music video uses mainly close ups and mid shots rarely ever long shots. This is quite effective as it exaggharates the loud in your face vibe, which is basically what the director wanted to do as it really suits the song.
Ne-Yo - She Got Her Own
Reflection cross fade was used, this is quite a clever shot as it is reflected as well as cross faded and adds an element of the very classic 1 singer with 2 backup singers, this also ties in the black and white effect instead of having the video in colour.
The video uses a lot of fade and cut to transitions, this is a good technique as there are quite a few people used in the video so using cut to and fade transitions will also help to focus on the individual person in each shot.
Using a silhouette shot gives a sense of mystery, intriguing the audience to see what they are not allowed to see.A silhouette shot also ties in the black and white theme well as it is sophisticated and classy, this helps support the lyrics as it is portraying females in a positive light.
Using a close up helps guide the audience on what they should be focusing on. By using a close up it helps support the purpose as well as the lyrics of the song.
Close up of a reflection works well as it shows different variations of shots this will help promote originality. I think that this is something every music video needs so that it can stand out from the rest.
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